Lutheran Evangelistic Movement Making Disciples. Being Disciples.

Welcome to LEM Deeper Life

LEM promotes renewal, trains believers to witness, promotes evangelistic, preaching, and encourages the broad use of spiritual gifts. We serve Lutherans and other Christians, building bridges across synodical and congregational lines.

LEM’S Conference in Mesa

Friends of the Lutheran Evangelistic Movement (LEM) are gathering at the Source Church in Mesa, Arizona, Feb. 2-5.

All are welcome. Host pastors are Eric Johnson from the Source and Rich Taylor from Calvary Free Lutheran.

This made me chuckle, because I have been told he won't even be there.

Jim Johnson, LEM Interim Director. LEM promotes revival and renewal, evangelistic preaching, and the expansion of spiritual gifts in Lutheran churches. The ministry began in 1937.

Watch LEM Midwinter Retreat Online Family Devotions

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