Appendix 3 - Do The Work Of An Evangelist

            Civilization has always been on the advance, but perhaps during no period has it ever progressed as rapidly as it did between 1900 and 1950.  The advances made then in science and technology were enough to astound any American whose adult life spanned that half-century; for it was during those years that electricity, telephones, automobiles, airplanes, radios, TVs, and movies came into use.  Culture too has always been changing, but perhaps it has never done so more explosively than just one decade later during the 1960’s.  The turbulence ...


Selected Bibliography And Endnotes

    Selected Bibliography     America’s Hour of Decision.  Wheaton, IL: Van Kampen Press, 1951.   An Ongoing Revival.  Warren, MN: Warren Sheaf Print, 1990, Harvey Dyrud, editor.   Appasamy, A.J.  Write the Vision! Edwin Orr’s Thirty Years of Adventurous Service.  London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1964.   Baldwin, Ethel May, and David V. Benson.  Henrietta Mears and How She Did It!  Glendale, CA: Regal Books Division, G/L Publications, 1966.   Bickel, Ottomar E.  Fishing for Souls.  St. Paul, MN: ...


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